NPLH Drilling Services

Surface Diamond Drilling
Val D'or & Marcotte Drills 2,500 Meters - BQ, NQ, HQ, PQ

Reverse Circulation Drilling
Maxidrill Hardab 7,000
250 Meters - 4 7/8 Hole

Remote Drilling
Silver Bear
1,400 Meters - BQ, NQ, HQ

Water Well Drilling

Repair Shops

Hydraulics Plus
To minimize lost time, NPLH Drilling has its own hydraulics repair and machine shop HYDRAULICS PLUS. This industrial-grade facility employs computerized diagnostic capabilities to identify and repair rigs quickly, so they can continue operating under the most challenging conditions.

Core Shack
We have built a 2000 square foot core shack to accommodate core storage.

Shop & Administration Facility
In-house maintenance and repair centre. Our integrated repair service minimizes down time that can result from equipment issues.